These are my thoughts about trivial and sometimes not so trivial matters.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
HP 1631 D Logic Analyzer
I just acquired an HP 1631D Logic Analyzer.
It came with the manual.
It passed its self diagnostic test.
I was considering ebaying it.
I think that I am going to keep it now.
I haven't used one, but my simple understanding is that it is a binary oscilloscope with a lot of probes. I've heard of it used for diagnosing arrays of antennas and solenoids.
I expect it is useful for investigating or confirming the inputs and outputs on microprocessors or microcontrollers.
Maybe if I wanted to reverse engineer an existing device, or hack on a toy, the analyzer would come in very useful.
I need to read the manual.
To be continued.....
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Controlling a Basic Stamp II With Visual Basic
Setting the Basic Stamp II's Input/Output or I/O pins low or high (on and off) with Visual Basic Button_Click events.
...The BASIC Stamp II is a microcontroller with a small, specialized BASIC interpreter(PBASIC) built into its ROM. It is manufactured by Parallax, Inc.
In my example I use the Basic Stamp II Homework Board.
Heads up..
...Controlling a Basic Stamp II with Visual Basic is pretty easy.
...It is required to write a small program to the Basic Stamp itself and then to write a small program with Visual Basic.
...I assume you have some experience with the Basic Stamp Editor and with Visual Basic.
...I am not a programmer but I do consider myself pretty resourceful so through a little research I was able to determine how to do this.
I connected my Basic Stamp to my laptop with a USB to serial connector.
I picked one up from Radio Shack for about 30 dollars.
Later noticed they do have a Basic Stamp prototyping model available that is ready for USB...
Story of my life.
I am pretty sure that there were some necessary drivers to be installed..I dont remember exactly.
In the PBASIC Editor enter the following code.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Hook up a two LEDs to Pins 3 and 4 to test this.
' Then VB code is set up for Com1 incase you have to change this to the Com
' port of your computer.
SERIN 16, 16468, [STR command\1] ' Get 1-byte string
IF command = "1" THEN
GOTO Task1
IF command = "2" THEN
GOTO Task2
IF command = "3" THEN
GOTO Task3
IF command = "4" THEN
GOTO Task4
I downloaded a evaluation version of Visual Basic 2010 Express
I hope that you have some experience with it.
Create the necessary controls and label them properly.
Then enter the following code.
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents serialPort As New IO.Ports.SerialPort
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
IF serialPort.IsOpen THEN
With serialPort
.PortName = "COM10"
.BaudRate = 9600
.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None
.DataBits = 8
.StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One
.Handshake = IO.Ports.Handshake.None
END With
Catch ex As Exception
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text = "LED 1 ON"
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
TextBox1.Text = "LED 1 OFF"
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
TextBox2.Text = "LED 2 ON"
Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
TextBox2.Text = "LED 2 OFF"
Private Sub Form1_close()
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged
End Class
' I hope that the information is useful.
' Forgive my brevity... Watching TV...and I'm hungry.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
8 Step Sequencer with 555 Timer and 4017 Decade Counter
I set this one down some time ago but it was my goal was to build an 8 step sequencer with a 555 Timer and a 4017 Decade Counter.
I know this shit is old school but you gotta learn somehow.
4017 decade counter
555 timer
perf. board or bread board
Some knowledge of the 555 Timer is helpful.
I picked up a few 4017s from Jameco Electronics for like .40 cents each.
The rest of the stuff I got from a local Radio Shack.
The 555 timer produces an oscillating square wave, which triggers the 4017 decade counter IC, 8 of which its outputs are connected to LEDs. I have the counter set to reset after 8 steps, by simply connecting the next output pin to the reset pin. The green wires are the outputs of the 4017.
For an example check my video.
Suggestions and/or inspiration would be greatly appreciated. I may pick this project up again.
- Should each output of the 4017 Decade Counter be connected to a separate tone generator?
- Should I connect all of the outputs to the same tone generator and vary the frequency of the tone via a potentiometer connected in between each out output of the 4017 and the tone generator? ...and if so some direction as to the implementation would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Ellipsis..My Two Sense on the Three Dots
Use of multiple periods in a sentence...
I do this a lot, especially in text messages. To me it means that this conversation "ain't" over.
I have noticed that when I see someone else do it that I feel a special kinship toward that person, even though it is only a mutual love for multiple little black dots. I did a little research...and by little I mean a LITTLE. I have determined that this is called an ellipsis. Peep that on wikipedia if'n you don't believe me. I read someone call it lazy. As if I didn't want to have to determine correct punctuation. Maybe that is the case. If that person had to do what I do all day I am pretty sure they would feel a bit lazy. Someone said they use it to show an awkward pause. I can see that. According to someone the correct use is for omitting parts of a long quote. Regardless of what anybody says I don't think that no one person or group of people has the right to determine the "correct" use of a language that has borrowed so heavily from other languages and has evolved so much over time. Just my two sense on the three dots...
I do this a lot, especially in text messages. To me it means that this conversation "ain't" over.
I have noticed that when I see someone else do it that I feel a special kinship toward that person, even though it is only a mutual love for multiple little black dots. I did a little research...and by little I mean a LITTLE. I have determined that this is called an ellipsis. Peep that on wikipedia if'n you don't believe me. I read someone call it lazy. As if I didn't want to have to determine correct punctuation. Maybe that is the case. If that person had to do what I do all day I am pretty sure they would feel a bit lazy. Someone said they use it to show an awkward pause. I can see that. According to someone the correct use is for omitting parts of a long quote. Regardless of what anybody says I don't think that no one person or group of people has the right to determine the "correct" use of a language that has borrowed so heavily from other languages and has evolved so much over time. Just my two sense on the three dots...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Controlling a Basic Stamp with Visual Basic
Basically I wrote a small program to the Basic Stamp telling the microcontroller to look for a variable and then to set I/O pins high or low based on the value of the variable..
Then I wrote a Visual Basic program that sends a value to the serial port based on command_click events..
I will gladly post the code.
If there is any interest, please leave a comment. Thanks!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
New Book
I was fortunate enough to get a new book for my birthday yesterday(bought it for myself).
I picked up Make: Electronics from Barnes and Nobles. I am really excited about this book. It explains things in a way that seems geared toward my way of understanding. Really good book. Go buy it. I found about about from searching on youtube. I really enjoy Colin Cunningham's videos.
I picked up Make: Electronics from Barnes and Nobles. I am really excited about this book. It explains things in a way that seems geared toward my way of understanding. Really good book. Go buy it. I found about about from searching on youtube. I really enjoy Colin Cunningham's videos.
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